1. The vacillating emperor, Charles V, had for a time turned toward the Reformation, and his armies had marched into Rome and sacked the city in May 1527. Following this, the French armies were pushing him hard, and he thought to strengthen his position by again seeking the favor of Rome. It was to this end that the Diet of Spires of 1529 was called.
2. During the interlude of comparative peace and religious liberty, the Reformed movement had become unified, and church order had been established.
3. How may it be shown that the Turks, the French, and even the Pope helped the cause of the Reformation in Germany? 197:2 [227:2] Cf. Rev. 12:15,16.
4. What were the demands of the two parties to the controversy at the Diet, and what compromise was proposed? 199:1, 2 [229:2, 3]
5. With what plausible arguments might this compromise have been accepted? What principles of truth would have been thus yielded? 199:4-200:1 [230:1, 2]
6. In the final test of strength, which party was in the majority? 201:2 [231:2]
7. To whom did the minority appeal? 202:2 [232:3]
8. Against what two abuses was the protest to the Council directed? 202:4-203:4 [233:1-234:2]
9. In what way is the experience of these Reformers a lesson for our time? 204:2 [235:1]
10. What illustration do we have of the power of music? 206:1 [236:2]
11. In what assembly was the “Confession of Faith” finally read? 205:4; 207:1 [236:1; 238:1]
12. Was Luther responsible for the blood that flowed in the conflicts between the German States and the enemies of the Reformation? 209:1-3 [240:1-3]