1. How early, and in what manner, had the Protestant principles found entrance into the Netherlands? 237:1 [271:1]
2. The statements regarding the Waldensian missionaries [238:1; 239:1 (272:1; 273:1)] should be linked with that which appeared earlier, particularly [71:1 (80:2)]. The fruitage of the labors of these youth was manifest centuries later, among the descendants of those who received the gospel directly from them.
3. Why was the persecution of the followers of Luther in the Netherlands more severe than in Germany? Did the fact that the believers were persecuted in one place, while there was comparative freedom in other parts, mean that the gospel was hindered in the one more than in the other? 293:3 [274:1]
4. Who was the leading reformer in Holland? How was he led to the study of the Scriptures? What were his educational qualifications? What was the field of his labors, and for how long did he bear witness? 238:3-239:2 [272:1-273:2]
5. What qualifications in Tausen as a child, led to a rare educational opportunity? What restriction was made in his choice of schools? How was he finally led to go to Wittenberg, and what risk did he run in doing this? On returning to Denmark, where did he begin his work? How effective were the efforts to silence his testimony? 241:1-3 [275:3-276:2]
6. Where did the brothers who led the Reformation in Switzerland receive their training? In what were they alike, and how did they differ in temperament? What remarkable opportunity was furnished to bear witness before the nobility of Sweden, and with what result? 242:2-244:1 [276:3-279:1]
7. To what extent was the success of the Reformation due to the erudition and influence of its leaders and teachers? What essential qualifications marked them all? 243:3 [278:2]
8. What was the effect of her acceptance of Protestantism upon the future history of Sweden, (1.) as to national strength, (2.) as to the destiny of other nations? 244:2 [279:2]