1. What passages of Scripture brought encouragement to the disappointed believers, as they continued to search for added light? 391:1-394:1 [447:1-451:2]
2. How did the enemy of souls try to bring reproach upon the movement during the “tarrying time”? 395:1-396:2 [452:1-453:2]
3. What experiences of the past indicate that when the Lord is carrying forward a strong movement, fanatics may be expected to connect themselves with it? 397:1-398:2 [454:1-455:2]
4. What discovery in the Scriptures led many to look to the autumn of 1844 for the ending of the 2300 days? How did the time of their discovery give to its proclamation the name of the “midnight cry”? 398:3, 4; 400:1 [455:2, 3; 457:1]
5. How did a study of the typical spring feasts and their relation to the death and resurrection of Christ point to October 22, 1844? 399:1-4 [456:1-4]
6. How did the “midnight cry” movement compare with the former movement as to extent, spiritual power, and missionary activity? 400:2-403:1 [457:2-459:3] 404:1-405:2 [460:3-462:1]
7. Following this second disappointment, what three classes of followers renounced their connection with the movement? 403:3 [460:2]
8. Review the parallel experiences of the disciples and those who proclaimed the second advent (351:1, 2 [402:1, 2]), and note the points of similarity farther developed in their disappointment.
9. In what passage of Scripture did the doubly disappointed ones now find added encouragement and assurance for the future? 407:1-408:1 [464:1, 2]