28 – Facing Life’s Record


Chapter Study Questions

1. In Daniel’s vision of the Judgment who was seen presiding? Who are the witnesses? What records are used? Who is brought in as the Advocate for man? What was given to Him at the close of his work as Mediator? Where, and at what time is this scene located? 479:1-3 [545:1-546:1]

2. In type and antitype, what cases are considered during the great Day of Atonement? What classes of books are used, and what do we know of the keeping of the records? 480:1-482:1 [546:2- 547:3]

3. By what standard are the lives of men judged? What is the immediate reward of those who are found worthy? By whom is the penitent sinner represented? 482:1-3 [548:2-4]

4. How thorough is the work of investigation carried forward in the heavenly tribunal? When are men’s sins pardoned? When are they blotted out? What is said in Ezekiel about the righteousness of impenitent backsliders? 483:1, 2 [549:1, 2]

5. That the final blotting out of confessed and forgiven sin is conditional upon continued faithfulness is clearly taught by Christ in the parable of the unmerciful servant. See Matthew 18:23-25.

6. How much does Jesus, as our Advocate, ask in behalf of His clients? What charges are made by the accuser of God’s people, and how are they met? What terms of the new covenant promise are to be completely realized? 483:3-485:1 [549:3-551:1]



7. What reasons are given why the investigative Judgment and the blotting out of sin must come before the Second Advent? Who is then held responsible for the guilt of the sins of the righteous? Why is this just? 485:2, 3 [551:2, 3]

8. What will be the results to the individual who cherishes unforsaken sins? How would our conduct be affected were we always conscious of the judgment scenes? What personal questions are suggested for self-examination? 486:1-487:3 [552:1-553:3]

9. Why is it essential that the subject of the sanctuary and the investigative judgment should be understood? How do the intercessory work of Christ and His death compare in importance? 488:2-489:1 [554:1-3]

10. What are Satan’s plans to thwart Christ’s efforts to mediate for sinners? 488:1, 489:2 [554:1, 555:1]

11. How were the Israelites commanded to observe the day of atonement? What present day lessons does this suggest? How is the investigative judgment related to the close of probation? 489:3- 491:2. [556:1-557:3]