6 – Huss and Jerome


Chapter Study Questions

1. What progress had the gospel made in Bohemia, and what difficulties had it encountered before the days of John Huss? 97:1, 2 [109:1; 110:1]

Note.—The bull of Gregory VII mentioned in the text was issued in 1079 A. D.

2. The scattering of believers by persecution or oppression has frequently been signally blessed of heaven in disseminating light. Acts 11:19-21. This is illustrated in the history recorded in this chapter. 97:1; 100:3 [109:1, 112:2]

3. Wycliffe belonged to a family of the nobility, and he had no financial difficulties to face in the acquisition of an education. Huss furnishes an example of a youth from a home of poverty. Both, however, applied themselves diligently to study, and both were exemplary in the purity of their lives. 98:1, 2 [110:2, 3]

4. What calling did Huss choose to follow, and what positions did he fill? 98:2; 99:1 [110:3; 111:1]

5. What providential circumstances led to the spread of Wycliffe’s writings to Bohemia? 99:2, 3 [111:2, 3]

6. What did Huss recognize as the greatest need of the congregation to whom he was called to minister? 99:1 [111:1]

7. What incident illustrates the power of visual education? 99:3; 100:1 [111:3; 112:1]

8. What circumstances led to the placing of Prague under the papal interdict? What conditions prevailed under the terms of such an interdict? 100:3; 104:1 [112:3; 113:1]


9. What principles should guide us if we are called to choose between the counsel of Christ found in John 10:12, 13 and that found in Matthew 21:23? 101:2 [113:2]

Note.—”Which of these two precepts must I follow? Between these two contrary recommendations, which ought I to obey? . . . I cannot say.” So wrote Huss. (Bonnechose, Vol. I, p. 86).

10. What was Huss’s final decision in this matter, and how did his course vindicate the assurance, “We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth”?

11. What were the two prime reasons for calling the Council of Constance? 104:2, 3 [117:2, 3]

12. Note the points of contract between John XXXIII, the accuser, and Huss, the accused. 104:3; 106:2 [117:3; 119:3]

13. What tracings of the prophetic gift do we find in this chapter? 97:1; 108:1 [110:1; 122:1] “Huss also was visited by visions and prophetic dreams.”—Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 24.

14. Considering their previous privations in prison, can the courage and keenness of mind of Huss and Jerome be accounted for on natural grounds? 107:2; 112:2, 3 [121:2; 127:2, 3]

15. What was the immediate effect in Bohemia of the execution of Huss? 115:3 [131:3]

16. What success attended the efforts of the armies of Sigismund against the Bohemian defenders of the principles of religious liberty? 117:2 [133:2]

17. How was that which could not be accomplished by force, effected by diplomacy? 118:1 [134:1]

18. Who were the “United Brethren”? What was their influence in maintaining the truth? 119:1-3 [135:1-3]